
14KSRBE 플루트

Brannen Brothers | 14K Combi 14K 로즈골드 ,혹은 화이트골드 튜브 순은 실버 메카니즘의 브란넨 쿠퍼의 유니크한 플루트.
  • 상품정보고시 :
  • 상품번호 : 3984



Brannen Brothers Flute

The Soldered Tonehole Brögger Flute is the cornerstone of the Original Brögger Flute and of all the Brannen-Cooper® Flutes. It has the Brögger Mekanik, our signature pinless mechanism, the most highly regarded pinless mechanism on the market today! Flutists immediately notice and appreciate the responsive, smooth action of its keys. The toneholes are individually cut and precision soldered onto the body tubing to ensure maximum depth of sound, projection, and tone colors from the flute.

  • Standard Specifications: Brögger Mekanik, Soldered Toneholes, and a Brannen-Cooper® Headjoint of the same body tubing
  • Custom Specifications: Model (French or Plateau), G Keys (Inline, Offset, or Half Offset), Acoustic (Brögger or Traditional), Pitch (A-440, A-442, A-444, or A-446)
  • Body Tubing: Sterling Silver (.014", .016", .018"), 15/85 (15% Gold/85% Silver), 10K Rose Gold, 14K Rose Gold, 14K White Gold, 19.5K Rose Gold, Platinum
  • Footjoints: B foot, Convertible B/C foot, C foot, D foot
  • Options: C# Trill, Split E Mechanism, Insert in Lower G, D# Roller, Half-closing Thumb Key, No Headjoint, Combination Case
품명 및 모델명    14KSRBE
인증번호 해당없음
크기  제조사에서 제공하지 않음
색상 골드
재질 14K Gold,925 sterling silver
제품 구성 본품, 하드케이스, 침수건, 융, 청소봉, 보증서
동일모델의 출시년월
2010년 1월
수입원 ㈜코스모스악기
제조국 미국
상품별 세부 사양    14K Head & Body, Silver key, Soldered tonehole, Ring key, B-foot, Split E-mechanism
품질보증기준 1년 
A/S 책임자와 전화번호  (주)코스모스악기 AS 센터  02)3486-8844
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