Lollipop Drum 8


Lollipop Drum 8 핸드퍼커션

Lollipop Drums are easy-to-play "frame" drums that are based on a simple drum design that has been around since mankind's earliest days.
  • 상품번호 : 2316

Lollipop Drum 8

Lollipop Drums are easy-to-play "frame" drums that are based on a simple drum design that has been around since mankind's earliest days. One of the most fun things about playing these drums is that there really aren't any rules about what can and can't be played on them.

* 사진의 제품중 중간크기의 제품입니다. 8"


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현재 비밀번호
신규 비밀번호
신규 비밀번호 확인
6~20자, 영문 대소문자 또는 숫자 특수문자 중 2가지 이상 조합